Our Activity Clubs run every day from 3:15 until 4:15 pm (EYFS runs from 3pm until 4pm) with at least one club for each key stage. We hope each key stage offers something for everyone from sports to arts and crafts as well as our popular sports clubs. These are all booked and paid for via our online booking system and can be viewed on MyChildAtSchool (MCAS).
Please contact extendedschools@cherryorchard.latrust.org.uk with any booking queries.
Activities need to be booked termly, to give everyone a fair opportunity to sample all the different clubs that are on offer and these are on a first come, first served basis. Funds raised from our clubs, allows us to appoint specialists in the fields of sports, music and language, to enable our children to access specialist coaching and teaching in these areas. Clubs cost £4* (unless run by an outside provider) and start at school finish. Please collect via the side school gate where staff will escort children at the end of the session, except EYFS who will exit via the Preschool gate.
We usually offer clubs reflecting the skill set and interest of our current teaching staff and the availability of our PE Team and the curriculum being delivered. Please see details on MCAS.
Samples of past clubs and extracurricular activities have been:
- Football Coaching
- Handball Coaching
- Tumble Tots
- Gymnastics
- Netball
- Archery
- Journal Club
- Recorder
- Mathemagicians
- Chill n Chat
- Cooking
- Arts & Crafts
- Yoga
- Science
- Choir
- Drum Workshop
- Irish Dancing Taster
- Street Dance
- Musical Theatre
- Book Creator
- Gardening/Nature
We politely request that you be prompt to pick up your child through the appropriate exit. In usual circumstances, children who are not picked up will be taken to ASP after 5 – 10 minutes and an additional charge may be incurred. Please respect the club leaders after a long school day.
Lunchtime Clubs & Zones of Play
- Monday to Friday: KS1 & KS2: Creative, Craze of the Week, Ball Games & Quiet Area
- Fridays: KS2 Football Team Practice with Mr. Bygrave